Saturday, October 12, 2013

#WarOfWords2 Be the change u seek by Rage.

Be the change u seek by Rage.
Enough is Enough..
If it is true love.. then u say it to my face.Cos all I need is one love.. Tuface .
Just the other day I saw on CNN, I hide face..
CHIDI was d violence..
so Lloyd used d mace..
u say one word.
I say change..
I am not afraid..
Don't u know.. I am "rage"..
I may be deranged ; but I still wage.. wage wars..
war of words.
I am not the spoken word.
I only speak change through words... Time we sheathe our swords , guns,  bombs and be born, reborn, buildings true bonds of freedom.
We all are freeborn.
U maybe young, lazy..
But u cannot be forever young ..Jay z
still chasing wrong..since history..
Posterity will never seize to judge us.. until we stop and change course:
"off course"..
I have a dream..
I dream to live..
I dream to live my dream.
to be king: "Martin Luther"
King without a crown..
crown him king we deed ..Indeed..
for our sufferings;
offering even his on life..
life less he now is but less life we even shall be should we not rise and speak.
If u speak change,
then u must bring change..
If u want change ..
then u must change..
Do not change yourself,
Be "Change" itself..
Rise up and speak..
Be the change u seek..
Still raging , still waging wars
"war of words"
I am still "Rage"..

Check out the video via this link

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