Saturday, October 12, 2013

"I Know" by Shegzrhymz #WarOfWords2

Nice flow, 
and nice use of words.
I am sure the guy must be a player, 
cos him just dey play with words 
like a newly wed husband dey play with....em...em.
Well, you know na :). 

"I Know" by Shegzrhymz 

I Know who I Am, I am who my creator says I am. I am a man of Destiny! /
But I know the gap between the lines of getting and not getting There's Tiny/
Sure, I am sticking with d former, 

I won't step down - No Transformer. 
so when I get there, let it produce no Shocks/ 

That is just my city of Destiny, not Electri-City. 

My purpose has nothing to do with Kainji Dam/
Apart from my HIV Status, 

I Am always Positive. 
That's a Plus, right? /
No division can tear down me down cos I Am not even bothered about difficult Times. 

Mathematicians will appreciate what I just said better/
Please, don't take this as just an ordinary rhyme Letter, this is what I know. 

I know I'm d Change I seek. 

I know I Am very ready to make a difference -
Inject new ideas, new inventions, new innovation in..don't let the word 'inject' in that sentence filled with 'In' bother you 'cos I learnt it from My Nurse/
Or you think I'm in d medical line? 

Now that's a Minus, 
all I just did now was to give Reference/

I know getting to my destiny might take a while/
I know a step is what starts the Journey of a thousand, I know I Can.
I know I can. I don't need to be an Accountant to know ICAN/
I can do Everything if I put God and hard work 2 It

Pray like I don't work and work like I don't Pray/
Even when Animals do that, Humans become the Prey!/ 

I always pick d last 4 words from a Mexican; 

I Can! - 
I add an apostrophe after "I" in Impossible - Yes, "I'm Possible"/
I know I can make a change with my little words, 

I might not have as much wards as a teaching hospital.
But still I Speak, with Passion, 
drop the words like drops of water on a plant that grow to become a Forest/
Drops of water that drops on drops of water that give a mighty big Ocean,

so just take dis like I'm planting, soon you will see the Harvest!/

My spoken word is not just for the ears, 

gets through your eardrums and hits the soul/
Just like the shoes of a desperate unemployed graduate that the earth eats the Sole, 

the words Consume - Laziness, fears - gives you the assist to reach your Goal/

And don't think I'm boasting/
Even if I were 2 be anywhere in America, it definitely won't be Boston/
I'm not there yet but my aim is to be the greatest and I'm filled with Zeal/
I know I will be great! I know I will!/ 

I just have 2 believe what I see, then I will Achieve/
when negative words come then I need 2 weave/
Don't just take this as my confession, it can apply 2 u too
cos this is not just 2 keep you busy like a bee 

but 2 make u be who u are supposed 2 Be - 2 Be the change you seek/

How? Not by looking through a glass,

picking on people like you've got the Beak/
But look into d mirror, who you see is the pass - just reflection? 

Yeah, that's the trick!/
So don't think I'm selfish, or Steve Jobs or an Optician by profession cos I kept mentioning "I"/
But let this spoken word Inspire and lift you to a point so high - where u also will get a book, pen, and start writing the words "I know!"

Check out the video via the link below

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