I'm over 30, and I've never been to a Night Club.
Seriously?!!!. Some might exclaim. So? Some might ask in
sarcasm. But really, I'm not asking you dear readers to react. Rather, I'm
hoping that in writing, I might be able to see some reason myself, why I have
refused to grow up with my generation.
Writing has always helped me think. When issues clog my mind,
and I'm trying to meander a way out, I write. When I need answers to bothering
questions. I write. When I face a crossroad and need to take a decision. I
write. When I'm bored, I write. I write. Sometimes, when I'm hungry, I write.
Why do I write so much?
Well, I think the question I would be asking is, why don’t the
whole world write as much? I believe the world would be a better place if we
were all writers. There is something about writers. I think, it is almost
impossible to be a writer, and be a cheat at the same time. If the whole world
wrote as much, we all would be too preoccupied with expressing our thoughts
into words, to have the time for so much of the mischief and misdeeds in the
world today.
Imagine a robber having to write about his robbery operation.
Imagine his whole gang having to write, just before they DECIDE to carry out
the robbery operation. In writing, they would come to their senses, as all the
hard drugs they use to psyche themselves up would have worn off, by the time
they finish writing, and then they would have no strength and will to rob.
Imagine this cycle goes on before every robbery operation. Your guess is as
good as mine.
Imagine a moment, that a corrupt politician, just before he
became corrupt, (assuming that sometime in his lifetime, he wasn't corrupt),
had to write before falsifying those financial documents for his monetary gain.
Imagine he had to write about a subject, like…like, like the sky for instance.
Maybe a poem about the sky. As soon as he starts writing this poem, his thought
would drift to the Big God that created the skies, and surely, he wouldn't have
the guts to steal.
We all need to be writers. This is a proposition I'm taking to
the national assembly to make into a law. I do hope though, that they would
pass this proposition of mine into law.
As you may have noticed, I've drifted. That happens a lot. It doesn't bother me much, as long as im still writing and I've not completely lost
my opening line of thought. So, as I was thinking, I'm over 30, and I've never
been to a club. Why could this be?
…..to be continued.
By Daniel Ikekhuah aka Lion Kisser
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